Friday, February 23, 2018


Dear Reaper - When you gonna come for me
I'm waiting so patiently
Dear Reaper - Is that you behind me
Hand in hand - Cheek to cheek
The dance of death


The world has often fucked me as an artist
Sometimes as a person
Who wasn't always perfect
But with a heart of gold

Money and sex don't mean nothin to me now
Gotta get through these final years somehow
Is it depressing - Is it sad
I've heart the afterlife isn't all that bad

Reaper I take your hand - Carbon unit now disband
Is it random is it planned
Welcome to the promised land
Reaper Reaper black and tall
Take me where I'll see it all
Take me to my creator - This time don't be a faker


Rotting flesh is full of worms
With the death you'll come to terms
Reaper Reaper lead the way
After life - Instant replay

Lead me lead me to the light
Don't let me out of your sight
Fuck the Earth and fuck the (this) life
I want to go where it's right

Love you in your long black robe
Shiny scythe and afterglow
Hand in hand - Take a last breath
Now let's do the dance of death

Kill me kill me make it fast
Endless clouds - It's all so vast
Better look over your shoulder
You never know when it's all over


From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm


Just live yo life - Just live it right
Youth is fleeting - Time is fleeting
All that matters - Just keep breathing

Life - What's it all mean
Life - Makes me want to scream

Sex is fleeting - Money is fleeting
All that matters is the breathing
Time is fleeting - Money is fleeting
All that matters is the heart is beating

Life - What is it but many blessings
Also a pain in the ass
Painful memories from the past
Often full of hurt and pain
Sometimes full of love and laughter

Life - What is it but broken dreams
Not all it's cracked up to be
But before the ever after
Must fill and must create
Our many many many chapters


Sex is fleeting - Drugs are fleeting
All that matters is the breathing
Material things fleeting - Promises fleeting
All that matters is the heart is beating

I may die dirt poor and alone
But I won't be a sheep or a drone
Still try to do it right no matter what I've been shown
As long as you show me the way home


Sex is fleeting - Drama is fleeting
All that matters is the breathing
Bills are fleeting - Taxes are fleeting
All that matters is the heart is beating

Breath in - Breath out - Now stop
Lights camera action - Now cut


Life - What's it all about
Life - Makes me want to shout
Earth is fleeting - Time is fleeting
All that matters is the heart is beating

Life - What's it all mean
Life - Makes me want to scream
Sex is fleeting - Time is fleeting
All that matters is the breathing

I may die poor and alone
As long as I can find my way home
My way home

From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm


Been down this road so many times
The heart aches - The eyes cry
Everything that lives must die
Until then - I'll try to embrace life

My soul is dry - My heart beats slow
Look deep into my eyes and then you'll know
I need for you to make me feel like
I've just stepped into the deathlight

Bright as the sun but it doesn't burn my eyes
Make me feel like I'll feel in the light

Where do I run to - Pale and light blue
I run to the deathlight
When is it time - A beautiful sight
We all go there at sometime

I'm still alive - I need you tonight
To make me feel like
The warm embrace of divine grace
That I feel in the deathlight


I've been down this road before
Life is tough - Sometimes a bore
Want to make every day count
But I often end up down and out

While I'm still alive - Please make me feel
How it feels in the light

Bright as the sun but it doesn't burn my eyes
Make me feel like I'll feel in the light



Bright as the sun - But yet it doesn't burn my eyes
Make me feel like I'll feel in the light


From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm



Woman's lot in life to endure the trauma
To give me the body called Jonsona
Mother had to endure the bloody drama
To give me the vessel called Jonsona

Sweet sacred tunnel where all life comes from
Just a little soul called Jonsona
Pushing screaming and here I come
Just a little vessel named Jonsona


Don't hate me because I was angry about my birth
Many lessons I needed to - had to learn
Angry baby - Angry adolecent
Angry adult - Peaceful elder
Half a lifetime just to learn
How to do it better


Hating the retched birth - Born into a shitty world
Wouldn't give up my life though
Until it's time to go home
Guns - Speech - Religion - Life
Don't infringe upon my rights
Don't give a fuck if you love or hate me
But don't get in my face bitch
Don't come at me bro
You'll lose in the end - I promise you
Music is the reason for my birth - I cannot lie


From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written my Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm


Make me feel like I'm going into the light
Rape me fast then make love to me slow
Then you drive it deep
Into my moist wet soul


You make it hurt so good
Just like I knew you would
I'm a closet masochist
If you don't know you should

Make it hurt like my life review
Don't let me put up a fight
Then slow it down and make it smooth
Make it feel like I'm going into the light


The only thing that feels as good
Is going into the light
Start out fast then make it slow
You've got to get it right


Explore orifices where the light doesn't shine
Warm and wet inside
Grab a hunk of fatty flesh
Make me beg for my life

Hold that scythe to my neck
And dominate me baby
With that shiny chrome knife
Make me bargain for my life

The only thing that feels as good
As coming into the light


Fuck me death

From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentsouth Entertainment 2018tm


Didn't mean to interrupt your worldview
Didn't mean to interrupt it with the truth


Conflicting facts and opinions
On every single subject now
Why even bother to look it up

But even the truth is playing with its own lies
All we ever wanted to do was just live our damn lives

I don't give a fuck anymore if you agree with me
I don't give a fuck anymore what you think of me
I just want everyone to shut the fuck up
Brainwashed patrons it's time to look up


Your candy coated unicorn world
It doesn't exist anymore
Cloud covered blue and green shit show
Earth - what a fucking joke

I didn't mean to interrupt your worldview
I didn't mean to interrupt in with the truth

Shut the fuck up - Stop complaining
Shut the fuck up - You don't have it so bad


Your candy coated unicorn world
It doesn't exist anymore

Another shooting - another scandal
Well I guess it really is hard to handle
But what is real - what is propaganda
Those of you asleep
Accept anything they hand ya

Everything I ever see is all about politics
Can't I just live my damn life
It's always been corrupt and full of lies
We'll only know the truth when we die

Fuck you - Fuck off
Just shut the fuck up
Too bad - So sad
I think we've all been had

Take a deep breath then let out a heavy sigh
Then put my head in my hands and just cry
 I don't think it ever will end
Until every last human is dead

Waking up is so hard
So many others won't do it
The truth is too much to chew
Can't interrupt your worldview


Your candy coated unicorn world
It doesn't exist anymore

From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm


Time to put away da cellphone
Look into each other's eyes
Time to turn off dat phone
Time to see our human light
(It's time to make it right)


The cellphone is not so good for your karma
Digitally recorded melodramas
Got so excited about my new ringtone
I am a slave to the fucking cellphone

Technology - has it ruined humanity
Guess we'll have to wait and see
Has it ruined humanity - it's pretty plain to see

Oh that's right - We can't see
Because our face is buried in our cellphone


The phone brings out your iniquitous behavior
Little computer is spying on your neighbors
And also you but you just don't care
All that remains is the reflection of your blank stare

Look at that baby hit by the car
Struggling to breathe - Death isn't far
Nobody helps - Pull out your cellphone
Gonna get lots of views - My viral video

Viral nonsense will soon be long forgotten
In this world of ever changing social media drama
Your soapbox comments are amusing at best
But  hey - Laughter is the best medicine right?

I'm all for the power of the people
But people also need to grow the fuck up
And to not suck

Heart emoji - Smile emoji - Sadface emoji
Filter my selfie

Jizz in your pants
Over the next overpriced piece of plastic crap
I'm listening to this song on my cellphone
Guess I am a hypocrite


From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentyouth Entertainment 2018tm

