Friday, February 23, 2018


Dear Reaper - When you gonna come for me
I'm waiting so patiently
Dear Reaper - Is that you behind me
Hand in hand - Cheek to cheek
The dance of death


The world has often fucked me as an artist
Sometimes as a person
Who wasn't always perfect
But with a heart of gold

Money and sex don't mean nothin to me now
Gotta get through these final years somehow
Is it depressing - Is it sad
I've heart the afterlife isn't all that bad

Reaper I take your hand - Carbon unit now disband
Is it random is it planned
Welcome to the promised land
Reaper Reaper black and tall
Take me where I'll see it all
Take me to my creator - This time don't be a faker


Rotting flesh is full of worms
With the death you'll come to terms
Reaper Reaper lead the way
After life - Instant replay

Lead me lead me to the light
Don't let me out of your sight
Fuck the Earth and fuck the (this) life
I want to go where it's right

Love you in your long black robe
Shiny scythe and afterglow
Hand in hand - Take a last breath
Now let's do the dance of death

Kill me kill me make it fast
Endless clouds - It's all so vast
Better look over your shoulder
You never know when it's all over


From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

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