Friday, February 23, 2018


Just live yo life - Just live it right
Youth is fleeting - Time is fleeting
All that matters - Just keep breathing

Life - What's it all mean
Life - Makes me want to scream

Sex is fleeting - Money is fleeting
All that matters is the breathing
Time is fleeting - Money is fleeting
All that matters is the heart is beating

Life - What is it but many blessings
Also a pain in the ass
Painful memories from the past
Often full of hurt and pain
Sometimes full of love and laughter

Life - What is it but broken dreams
Not all it's cracked up to be
But before the ever after
Must fill and must create
Our many many many chapters


Sex is fleeting - Drugs are fleeting
All that matters is the breathing
Material things fleeting - Promises fleeting
All that matters is the heart is beating

I may die dirt poor and alone
But I won't be a sheep or a drone
Still try to do it right no matter what I've been shown
As long as you show me the way home


Sex is fleeting - Drama is fleeting
All that matters is the breathing
Bills are fleeting - Taxes are fleeting
All that matters is the heart is beating

Breath in - Breath out - Now stop
Lights camera action - Now cut


Life - What's it all about
Life - Makes me want to shout
Earth is fleeting - Time is fleeting
All that matters is the heart is beating

Life - What's it all mean
Life - Makes me want to scream
Sex is fleeting - Time is fleeting
All that matters is the breathing

I may die poor and alone
As long as I can find my way home
My way home

From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2018tm

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