Friday, February 23, 2018


Time to put away da cellphone
Look into each other's eyes
Time to turn off dat phone
Time to see our human light
(It's time to make it right)


The cellphone is not so good for your karma
Digitally recorded melodramas
Got so excited about my new ringtone
I am a slave to the fucking cellphone

Technology - has it ruined humanity
Guess we'll have to wait and see
Has it ruined humanity - it's pretty plain to see

Oh that's right - We can't see
Because our face is buried in our cellphone


The phone brings out your iniquitous behavior
Little computer is spying on your neighbors
And also you but you just don't care
All that remains is the reflection of your blank stare

Look at that baby hit by the car
Struggling to breathe - Death isn't far
Nobody helps - Pull out your cellphone
Gonna get lots of views - My viral video

Viral nonsense will soon be long forgotten
In this world of ever changing social media drama
Your soapbox comments are amusing at best
But  hey - Laughter is the best medicine right?

I'm all for the power of the people
But people also need to grow the fuck up
And to not suck

Heart emoji - Smile emoji - Sadface emoji
Filter my selfie

Jizz in your pants
Over the next overpriced piece of plastic crap
I'm listening to this song on my cellphone
Guess I am a hypocrite


From the Jonsona album - Deathlight
Written by Jonsona
Twentyouth Entertainment 2018tm



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